Logistics News

Logistics News

21 Dezember 2023

According to the statement made by the Ministry, the "Foreign Trade Statistics by Provinces" announced by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) is based on the province where the headquarters of the company conducting foreign trade is located. This may lead to clustering of export statistics in the direction of the central province for firms with different central and production provinces. In addition, exports made through foreign trade firms are recorded in the province where the foreign trade firm is located instead of the province of production.

In order to measure export statistics arising from the production structure in the province, "Provincial Export Statistics by Production Location of Firms" was created as a result of the joint work carried out with the participation of the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry and Technology and TURKSTAT, which has been going on for about a year.

“ In order to identify the provinces where production was carried out, the data of the Ministry of Trade, exporter/manufacturer information, industrial registry certificate data of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and records of the Social Security Institution and the Revenue Administration were matched.. ”

New system will allow detailed analysis

Provincial export statistics based on firms' production locations are tentatively planned to be published in the "Monthly Foreign Trade Data Bulletin" of the Ministry of Trade starting from January 2024.

In addition, the "Foreign Trade Statistics" to be published by TURKSTAT on 29 February 2024 within the scope of the Official Statistics Program will be shared with the public together with the January 2024 Newsletter.

In export statistics by production locations, it is observed that exports of industrialized provinces with high production volume stand out. The statistics obtained in this context allow for detailed analysis by province, product, country and similar sub-divisions and include important indicators such as the technological level of exports by province. Thus, this study is expected to make significant contributions to the data-based determination of province-based/regional policies.